Tuesday, July 31, 2007

10 Sure Ways Of Making Money With Your Digital Camera Today

There are various ways of making money with your digital camera, thats letting your digital photography camera to work for you, is that simple, but I bet you, you cant make any dime with your digital photography camera if you dont know how to go about it.......Below are 10 Sure Ways Of Making Money With Your Digital Camera Today! Its sounds too good to be TRUE! Read On..................

1. Real Estate - Photograph homes as a paid service to realtors in your area. Since most newspapers and 'home for sale' magazines feature photographs of the homes that are for sale, your services can allow the realtors to spend more time earning their living instead of taking pictures. Also, with the popularity of the internet, most real estate agencies have websites with featured homes or searchable listings. These websites usually need good photographs as well.

2. Amateur sporting events - elementary, junior high, or high school sporting events offer a great opportunity for taking photographs of peoples kids in action. By getting good shots of their kids, you'll be able to offer great photographs to proud parents who don't own cameras, or forgot to bring them, or didn't have the great shots that you got.

3. Digital Image Collections - bundle hundreds of photographs onto a single CD rom and sell as a royalty-free package for web designers and graphic artists that don't want to take time from their areas of interest in order to take photographs.

4. How-To Projects - photograph the progression from start to finish of a particular project and put a few explanations with it and then offer it for sale as a 'How To ....." guide.

5. Insurance Records - offer your photography services to property owners who want to document their possessions for insurance purposes. Offer the final photographs on a CD. An add on business would be to have a written itemization for all the items, which could be included with the CD.

6. Child Safety Identification - not all parents have recent photographs of their children. By offering photography services as part of a Child Safety ID business you are doing a service to improve children's safety. Additional services could include recording fingerprints and a hair sample.

7. Digital Image Website - by putting high quality or interesting photos on a website you can create a cyber-gallery from which people can by prints. Many online photo-processors want you to do this because it means additional income for them too. Just upload, email, or send the online photo-processor your digital images and arrange them into albums. Many photo-processor's provide online tools so that you don't have to build your own website, or know how to run expensive photo editing software. Every time someone buys one of your photos from your gallery, the photo-processor makes a buck, and so do you.

8. Publish Church Directories - most churches want directories of the families and other members of their congregation or parish. By using your digital camera, careful documentation, and a some software you can create a church directory that include a photo of each family or individual, as well as their contact information. Your directory doesn't just have to be a printed out version, it could also be an online version. However, due to privacy concerns, some churches may not want their members contact information to be publicly available via the world wide web.

9. Selling Scrapbooks of Events - if you're a Scout leader or a participant in a family or class reunion, you could be the person who takes pictures of the big event, compiles it into a easy-reading visual scrapbook, and sells it to others who were at the event. Everyone wants a souvenir and reminder of a good time, and as memories fade, a quality scrapbook would be something most people appreciate.

10. Freelance photographer - go to public events and take photographs of the goings-on. Immediately contact local newspapers and magazines about the availability of your photographs and work out the details of how they prefer to look at the images you've captured. You never can tell when a publication didn't know about the event in the first place.

About the Author
C.S. Deam is a small business owner. His eBook Leverage Yourself Out of the Rat Race is available for immediate download at his website where you can sign up for FREE E-Courses & Newsletters to help you on your digital photography skills.....Click Here To Learn More..................

Digital Wedding Photography

Taking digital wedding photography is such a great task and aspect of photography. It is quite obvious that wedding is one of the most important and a memorable day to be in ones life, and you want to make sure that your day is captured in the most beautiful and more elegant way possible. Meanwhile, you dont have to be worried since these days great and stunning photos could be take with the digital camera, you only have to make sure you invite and apply for the service of an expert in the area or a professional photographer on your wedding day.

When choosing a Digital Wedding photographer you need to make sure that the individual is legitimate. More often than not, the best recommendations usually come from friends and acquaintances who have had a positive experience with the particular photographer in questioned. If you would do yourself a great favour, its would be advisable that try as much as possible to find out what kind of qualifications and working experiences the individual has in the digital photography industry if you dont want to spoil your memorable day with an amateur photographer handling your photography shoots . Find out where the individual took digital photography classes or is been trained. Do they have a qualification degree in digital photography ? How many years have they been doing digital wedding photography? Making sure you know all of this can truly save you from any potential disasters which might result from you giving your digital wedding photography job to a wrong person and this would also save you some money too.

Before you give your digital wedding photography job to just anybody it is also advisable that you find out what kind of equipment they will be using at your wedding. Most digital cameras can hold over 200 images, but you want to make sure that your digital photographer will be prepared for all scenarios. Will the wedding or reception be at night? What happens if it rains? What will the photographer do if his equipment fails. Will he have a backup digital camera to get going with the digital wedding photography in order to be able to come out with great and beautiful digital wedding photography on your wedding ceremony?

As mentioned earlier, it takes a while for someone to become a great digital wedding photographer. You might want to review samples of previous weddings the photographer has worked on. Most of the reputable digital wedding photographers have samples on their websites as well. Not only should you review just any album of photos the photographer gave to you, you should also make sure that the photos he gave to you have his photography studio name, signature or logo on them, with the date they were been taking this is to make sure that you are not easily fooled by a photographer has gone to print out someone else digital wedding photography photos to deceive people that they are his/her own.

Lastly when it comes to the aspect of money, where you will be billed, I highly recommend that you look at the quality of the work from the digital photographer which would be based on how quality his digital wedding photography job were before you do anything else. The most expensive does not guarantee great digital photos and the cheapest doesn't always mean a great bargain. And on the final note it is pretty sure that if you could perform and strictly follow all the research tips I just explained above in before you take your digital wedding photography then your Digital Wedding Photography should come out great and beautiful!

You might have been a complete newbie, beginner or even a complete stranger to digital photography or in using the digital camera...And you would like to know how you can use your digital camera in having good and beautiful digital wedding photography, I'm happy to tell you that TODAY an utter end has come to all your worries on digital wedding photography......Learn how to use your digital camera in taking good and beautiful digital wedding photos just as a sitting! No String! Learn All The Secrets It Takes To Become A Successful Digital Wedding Photographer! Learn All the Do's And Dont's of your Digital Camera In Few Hours Even Within Minutes! Or are you a photographer who had losted so many of your clients and customers in the industry just because your digital wedding photography works sucks and look back, and as a RESULT they had all ran away from you, and returning bad name to you..........I'm happy to tell you that you can become a more skilled and talented photography today and you will have all your losted customers and new prospective targeted customers and couples returning to you and ready to pay you........And you can also become a professional digital wedding photographer of all time..........

Click Here To Discover More


Would you like to know more benefits of digital photography? Learn how to turn your digital photography hobby into a AUTO INCOME VAULT Within Days! Would you like to know how best you can turn your spare time in taking digital photography into a financial freedom, and work from home? Or do you just need to improve your photography skills? Click Here To Learn More!

Digital Photography For Beginner

If you are a beginner or a fresher to digital photography, I mean if you are just starting out in or entering into digital photography? I am assuring you that it is not that difficult to take beautiful shots with your digital camera nor is it too tedious or complex to learn from the scratch even though you had never grab hold of the film-based technology photography camera let alone of you using the digital camera. And one thing stand sure that within few number of day practrice you would easily become good at it if you do it the right way in which it ought to be done. In lieu of making making things easier and done in an easy way, it would be highly advantagious of you can spare some of your precious using your digital camera, reading manuals that come with your camera, and learning from the foot of those who had already done it so many time before you in great ways. As a result of making digital photography easy for beginnerm I have some ideas and loads of information on the introduction to digital photography,tricks and techniques, how to choose a better digital camera good enough for you, and learning some of the history of digital photography would also be a great thing so as to make digital photography for beginner such an easy thing, as easy as one pronuncing his/her own name. Digital photography for beginner is not a complex thing nor is it like a brain surgery, if only all the beginners to digital photography could be patient and determined to take the bull by the horn, and do away from what could hinder them from becoming a professional photographer in the digital photography industry and that could make them remain at the beginner level without Here are some beginner tips you can follow:beginner level and could make them to be doing researches on research on digital photography for beginner. In order to make the issue of digital photography more explanatory and turn various digital photography beginners into an "expert" and "pro' in the venture and cut short the number of time they will spent searching all day long for guide on digital photography for beginner, I have some of the guidelines and hints that would help to address the issue and find some solutions to digital photography for beginner here which I had extracted from my book of knowledge and ideas on digital photography for beginner which would help you as you climb on the ladder of success to becoming a professional, well trained, well learned and expert photographer in the digital photography industry and this could also turn you to become a coach master on digital photography for beginner.

Be Close To Your Subject
Try to get close to your subject before and whenver you are are taking a snapshot. Close up shots adds more expression and details to your photo, making and bringing out good and quality photographs out of your digital camera.

Have/Get The Right Background
Try to go for simple backgrounds. They are often the best. If you can't get a good background, try to adjust your DOF (Depth of Field) of your digital camera. This will focus on your subject and blur far objects and help so much in bringing out a good and qualitative photos.

Take Note Of Your Orientation
Your photo is a rectangular image. Hence you can choose between two orientation - vertical or horizontal. Horizontal orientation is usually not suitable for tall objects. It is best if you take the photos in both ways and determine which one is better at the end of your printing out.

Subject Positioning
Use the rule of thirds to make your photos more interesting. Position your subject at the intersections of the imaginary lines will break up the symmetry. Your photo will be more artistic, crafty and worth a job welldone.

Unique Angle
Your shots don't always have to be at eye-level. Be more creative. You can try shooting your subjects from the ground or above you. Don't be afraid to experiment, from experimenting things you gain more, "practice make perfection" they said and this is no different in digital photography.

Framing Is Of Paramount Importance
This is a process of finding things to enclose and surround your subject with your subject been at the center. Framing add more beauty to the quality of your snapshots as well. You can use your surroundings to frame your subjects. In fact, you can use almost anything. Trees, doorways, windows etc are good natural frames.

Differentiate Dimension & Distance
A photo of a distant subject can seem static and one-dimensional. Including subjects nearer to you in your photos gives a sense of distance. Therefore, always remember to take your time in differentiating between your dimension and distance so as to be able to make good snapshot.

If you are still a beginner to digital photography, the above methods are great ways in which you could improve your digital photography skills, techniques, knowledge and mastery. Do not forget to practice and take more shots as often as you can with your digital camera, jusr as the saying goes "Pratice makes perfection". And lastly always remember that digital photography and the whole of photography at large is something you need to have hands-on, therefore I would advice that you get your own good digital camera yourself as well, this would help you a long way to as to make digital photography for beginner a cheap thing!

Are you a complete NEWBIE or a BEGINNER to digital photography or a complete NOVICE to photography at large ? You can become start your learning all from the professionals who had already been making thousands of dollars just with their digital camera within a month just on monthly basis, and I bet you are a click away to becoming a professional master of the digital camera as you would discover all the Digital Photography Secrets. Learn Amazing Photo Secrets That The Gurus Won't Tell You! All these YOU will get just with a click of the mouse at a sitting.Discover all what it takes to become a professional photographer! Discover how to master your digital camera to get good, great and beautiful photos! Discover how to become a "Go To" Photographer! Click Here To Learn More........

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Benefits of Digital Photography

Both digital photography and traditional film based photography are based on certain fundamental ideas like capturing the image through a lens, use of a shutter to achieve it etc. The main difference between the two lies in how the image coming through the lens is converted and stored. In the mean time, I will be highlighting the various benefits of digital photography to the mankind over the tradional film based photography technology.

In conventional photography, the incoming light rays react with the chemical coating on the film and forms an image which is then developed in a dark room into a negative. This negative is turned into a positive by passing light through them on to a light sensitive paper which results in the photograph this is not the case as the digital photography..

The process of capturing the image is totally different in digital photography. The light coming through the lens falls on electronic sensors made of Charge Coupled Devices (CCD) which convert the light into electrical impulses.The screen on which the image is captured comprises millions of pixels or picture elements which each pixel being a CCD. These impulses are processed instantaneously, converted to digital image and displayed on the screen as well as stored in memory or other storage devices, and this is one of the many benefits associated with the digital photography, since it does nt need any film before any images can be formed and it does not cost much in terms of image processing time and amount needed for it production.

Another benefit of digital photography is owing to the fact that the quality of digital images is measured in terms of the number of pixels or the resolution of the screen. A typical computer monitor has a screen resolution of 800x600 which means that the monitor can display 800 pixels from left to right and 600 from top to bottom. The total number of pixels adds up to 480 000 in this case. The resolution of the background screen in digital photography is much higher of the order of Mega pixels and this is another major benefit of digital photography.. The image size can be anywhere between 1.8 and 13.1 mega pixels depending on the quality of camera.

Im digital photography the range of colors is dependent on the bit size per pixel. For example 8 bits per pixel can store up to 255 shades of black and white pictures. 16 bits per pixel can have up to 65,536 shades of color while 24 bits per pixel can have 16 million color combinations. Most modern digital cameras for general use operate with 24 bits per pixel size while some of the professional ones can have 48 bits per pixel meaning 280 billion color combinations.

In addition to the benefits of digital photography cited above, in digital photography the quality of pictures printed is dependent on the number of pixels per inch of the photograph. The higher the number, the better the quality of the digital photograph. Most photos printed in photography labs have 300 pixels per inch of print resolution. Thus the biggest picture that can be printed with a 2 mega pixels camera is 5.8 inches by 3.8 inches size while a 4 mega pixels camera can print 8.2 inches by 5.4 inches size photos. These are the photo sizes with 300 pixels per inch print resolution.

However, as a result of the benefits of digital photography over the film based photography technology, with lesser 200 pixels per inch print resolution larger pictures with less detail can be printed. The quality would be sufficient for most general use. The size correspondingly increases to 8.7 inches by 5.8 inches for a 2 mega pixels camera and 12.2 inches by 8.2 inches for a 4 mega pixels camera.


Would you like to know more benefits of digital photography? Learn how to turn your digital photography hobby into a AUTO INCOME VAULT Within Days! Would you like to know how best you can turn your spare time in taking digital photography into a financial freedom, and work from home? Or do you just need to improve your photography skills? Click Here To Learn More!

Digital Like Photography Pro Shoot Technique

Digital photography requires so many techniques which you must know as a digital camera user in order to be able to come out with good and quality snapshots and come become a professional in the area of taking digital like photography pro shoot technique .. Digital like photography pro shoot are the techniques required in shooting a digital photography in a professional way as a digital photographer who is willing to become an expert in the area of digital photography whose work will be highly patronized so many people.. .Digital like photography pro shoot technique are various techniques most people use in shooting their subjects in a manner that they would look more presentable and more professional in nature....Below are some tips and techniques as far as taking a digital like photography pro shoot techniques is concerned to help you take great digital photos:

1. If you have a problem keeping the camera steady, use a tripod. Camera shake results in out of focus photos, one of the worse mistakes a beginner can make.Therefore, it is of paramount importance that you make use of the a tripod whenever you are taking a photograph with your digital camera, most especially for the new beginners, this is one of the major digital like photography pro shoot techniques that could transform a beginner of digital photography into an expert or even a pro in using the digital camera to capture a great snapshot.

2. Don't be afraid to flip the camera over. In other words, decide if the subject of your photo will look better photographed in landscape or portrait style. Sometimes great pictures are ruined by simply not turning the camera sideways and getting a better viewpoint with the lens in a digital like photography pro shoot technique or way..

3. Frame your photo carefully.This is so important when taking a digital photographs. Be sure not to cut off parts of peoples arms and legs. If you can't get the entire subject in the frame, choose carefully what you want to focus on and try not to cut at joints such as neck, elbows, wrists, knees, ankle, this could corrupt your snapshot from that of a digital like photography pro shoot technique. Generally photos look better cut at midpoint of arms or legs, not at joints.

4. Always make sure you have adequate lighting. If you cannot afford professional lights, use shop lights until you can. For outdoor photos of people, cardboard covered in alluminum foil or sometimes a white sheet will work as a reflector if you can't yet afford to buy one yet.

5. Pay attention to what is in the background, not just the subject. A great subject won't look very good if there is trash or clutter in the background so learn to pay attention to what else can be seen in the photo and move it if necessary so that you can get a clear, quality and virtual photographs out of your digital camera. The background should compliment your subject, not distract from it. If you must be able to take a digital like photography pro shoot technique then you must make sure you pay so much of your attention on the background of the subject you are targeting to shoot, because its of paramount importance if you must become an expert digital photographer who will always be a go to.........by so many people serving as a referral whenever someone is need of an expert and professional photographer to take their snapshot..

"Finally! There's a Fast, Easy, Affordable Way To Access Professional Picture-Taking Secrets And Capture The Best Digital Images Of Your Life!!!"

Are you a newbie to digital photography? And would like to learn foundational secrets for taking better photography with your digital camera?

Have your clients so many time complained that your photos are a bit blored and would like to learn the tricks in taking full-color images so as to improve your snapshots that would skyrocketted your earnings on taking digital photography for your clients and make them come back to your within a twinkle of an eye?

Or are you a professional digital photographer who would like to know the various alternative ways to shoot an object to make much more interesting photos and make that would skyrocketted your sales and further broaden your skills?

Do your clients complain so many time that your job sucks because you used a bad shooting location and would like to know better and best fantastic shooting locations good most for your work? Am sure you will really be happy to have your customers back and get them triggered in number!

Would you like to be the person people go to whenever they want to take stunning shots they want to keep forever? At their weddings? On their vacation? At Night or In Low Light? Sport Events? At stunning Sunsets? I'm sure you would love to Be The "Go-To" Digital Photographer Wherever You Go!

Making Money With Digital Photography

Do you have a digital camera and would like to be able to making money with digital photography? There are various ways that one can make some extra cash with a digital camera ranging from those that require very little extra equipment and only a good quality point and shoot up to those that will require lighting, and SLR camera and a studio.

For those with only a good point and shoot camera, one way of making money with digital photography is to offer to take photos for friends and neighbors that may need to list something on ebay or in a classified ad. Point out to them that ads with photos are more likely to attract buyers. Many people that may only need a photo here and there may not own a digital camera and would be willing to pay you a few dollars to take a photo for them to use.

Approach businesses such as small car lots or flea markets and ask if they might need photos of their items for listings. This will work better with smaller business as most large businesses probably have someone on staff that they have put in charge of taking photos for their listings.

Another way to making money with digital photography is to take photos of little league, cheerleader and dance teams. You will need to be able to also print the photos but you can cover the cost of the printing and make some profit by selling individual photos of the children to their parents. While an SLR is preferred for this, you may be able to get by with a high quality point and shoot as long as the group of children is small and you don't need a long range lens.

A way of making money with photography that will require and SLR and possible a long range lens is taking photos at sports events and offering the photos for sale to the participants. This can be done from children's baseball games up to adults at such events as rodeos.

Senior portraits is still another idea to make some extra cash. This will require at least a high quality point and shoot, some basic lighting equipment and an maybe an indoor location, although many senior portraits are now venturing outdoors and capturing the graduating senior involved with their hobbies or events they participated in during high school.

Making money with photography can also be achieved by selling stock photos online. There are various websites where photographer can upload images which are offered for sale on the site. the photographer receives a certain percentage of the profits. some sites are more stringent about the quality of the photos than others. Generally, you skill level and the quality of the camera must be good. This probably will not be an option for beginners.

And finally, you can make big buck from digital wedding photography, by helping couples to take snapshots on their wedding ceremony. In this lies easy money if you only you had known all what it takes, please check out for my post on digital wedding photography for more information about this.


Are you a digital photographer? Or do you have various skills and talents in taking good and nice photographs for friends and families? Or are you a professional or a begginer who had gotten all what is takes to take a good photographs with your camera and would like to start earning BIG money from your photography business? Or would you like to set up a home based business with your photography experience and skills that would rake in thousands of dollars into your account every month GUARANTEED! Or are you a student who would like to start earning a residual income from your digital camera instead of living it idle in its case? I'm sure you would make it from this perfect home-based photography business at NO COST! "Multiple Income" Guaranteed!
Click Here To Learn More!

"Starting Your Own Profitable Photography Business Is Achievable, Lucrative and Easier Than You Think!"
Are you a newbie to digital photography who would like to become an expert someday?Or are you a pro in using digital camera? If you enjoy photography, consider the thought of doing it for a living vs. what you do now? I'm happy to tell you that you can turn your digital camera into a means of earning a living within days! Guranteed! You can easily earn extra money doing this part time! It can be your starting block to you earning money even while you sleep?

Plus 5 eXTRA Special Bonuses!

Click Here To Learn More!

Digital Wildlife Photography

Closeup digital nature photography or digital wildlife photography is very exciting. However, before going on a safari to practice your digital wildlife photography with your digital camera, you may want to begin at your nearest zoo. A zoo offers the easiest and least expensive way to photography exotic animals and so many wonders of nature as part of your digital wildlife photography venture. You can also learn some basic information about how animals act and react and how to take their snapshot or photography them before venturing into trying to photograph them in a less controlled environment. Consider it a good basic learning environment while going on a trip for digital wildlife photography..

Even in a zoo setting of taking digital wildlife photography, you will have to practice patience because animals don't pose when you want them too. you have to watch for the right moment and be ready because they won't hold the "pose" long.Below are tips you can follow in taking a close photographs or of the animals at the zoo which is also implies taking a digital wildlife photography..

Tips For Taking Digital Wildlife Photography (i.e taking photos at a zoo)

1. Be aware that flash and infrared light may disturb animals. Be sure to check with zoo personnel about that.

2. It may be difficult not to get cages and wires in the frame. If you are trying to get the look as if the animals were in a natural setting, you don't want cages and wires to show. Use your longest focal point lens very close to the wire, set the lens at its widest aperture.

3. When shooting through glass, stand at an angle to it. don't stand directly in front of it as the flash will bounce straight back at the camera.

4. Try to plan your trip to the zoo at a time when the least amount of visitors will be there so there will be less distraction for both you and the animal you are photographing.

You will definitely do great in taking digital wildlife photography if you and strictly adhere to the tips listed above while going on a tour for wildlife photography either at the zoo or some other game reserve centre....

"Finally! There's a Fast, Easy, Affordable Way To Access Professional Picture-Taking Secrets And Capture The Best Digital Images Of Your Life!!!"

Digital Photography Secrets

Are you a newbie or beginner in the world of digital photography? Or are you a digital camera dummy who love going on recreation to the zoo and other tourist centre for a wildlife photography? You can increase and improve your skills in using the digital camera for better digital wildlife photography Right Now! As your clients complained so much time about your digital wildlife photographs that it look bad? Costing you so much pain, and less patronage? I'm happy to tell you today that your skills could be better developed just within days, and you will definitely have your CUSTOMERS and CLIENTS BACK! WITHIN FEW DAYS.


Click Here To Learn More!

Closeup Digital Nature Photography

Closeup digital nature photography is the practice of taking photograph pictures where the image capture by the digital camera would be a life-sized or larger when printed on a standard "4x6 inch" print.

There are many potential something that needed to be use as a subject or an object for this type of photography in nature. Taking some time to find the right subject or an object would not only produce good and great photos, it might also change the whole way you really look at the world around you. The image result as a result of you get from the closeup digital nature photograph is a pictorial representation of the olden days' phrase "stop and smell the roses".

Furthermore, the most exciting and interesting part of closeup digital nature photography is finding interesting subjects or objects. Flowers and houses are popular among the photographers, just as the insects and other animals like the pupils and cats. And these mostly look pretty good and good to look at most of the time, since there are many more gift and elements of nature that could be photographed and that would look pretty good and beautiful.

If you are to take a walk down the street and look around, you are to notice and bound to come around so many beautiful and nice things you have never seen or spend time to look at before, and this would look nice too when taking as closeup digital nature photography.

The most important thing to be considered about the piece of equipment when taking the closeup digital nature photography is its capturing lens. There are some special and unique lens that are there on sale at the market and several alternative scope and techniques for getting a high quality closeup digital nature photographs.

Photograph the accordion like underside of the mushrooms growing in your front lawn or the texture of a leaf hanging on the tree in the yard. The grain on the cut end of a wooden fence also begs to have a closeup taken of it. Take time to "stop and smell the roses" and you'll begin to see the world of nature as a bountiful opportunity for closeup digital nature photography.

Apart from buying a special lens, use of extension tubes , reversing your lens and using a bellows attachment are all good and very productive options.

Lastly, it shoudl be note that any camera is capable of taking closeup digital nature photography photographs to wide range of various qualities. Besides, to take a good closeup digital nature photographs or pictures with your digital camera you need to understand fully how the piece of equipment you are to use, check your digital camera user guide, manuals for specific terms of usage, settings in viewing your subject and that will help to optimize your snapped results.

Are you a beginner or new to digital photography and would like to learn how to take good and beautiful digital snapshot often and often with your digital camera? Or are you a PRO who would like to improve your photography skills? Learn
21+ outstanding foundation secrets for taking better photographs

over 125 glorious full-color images explaining the secrets and technique

4 alternate ways to shoot an object to make a much more interesting photo

2 sneaky places to look to find fantastic shooting locations

3 unusual subjects that make great night-time shots

4 simple ways to save on battery power

2 additional parts of your digital camera you should also keep clean - but most people never do

9 advantages of digital cameras over film cameras

6 reasons people still use film camera.

4 ways to ensure you use the correct white balance when taking your shots

Become a PRO within FEW days to come In .........................................
Shooting at weddings
Shooting while on vacation
Shooting at night or in low light
Shooting fireworks displays
Shooting perfect action photos
Shooting mountain vistas
Shooting sports events
Shooting stunning sunsets

Click Here To Learn More!

History of Digital Photography

Discussing the history of digital photography would be a long journey because one have to examine how, when, and where it started. If one is to look at various historical overviews of the history of digital photography already made by so many people, one would have to look back at the starting point of the use of digital camera in taking digital photography and this is going to be based on ones point of view regarding the history of digital photography.

You would agree with me that Einstein the man behind some scientific inventions and postulations who as a result of his scientific genius skills had won so many prizes awarded to him as one of the great physicists we had heard and read so much about, whose work on the introduction the effect of photoeletcity which involves the emergence and emmission of some metallic ions when the electrons are been exposed to the sun. And it was on this principle that the digital camera works because it uses the image censors instead of the film to sample light in taking images and snapshots.

In the year 1972, an Instruments Inc came about the designing of a camera which was not digital but an a type of analog piece of equipment which does not use the film for the capturing of images and this has some things to do in the history of the digital photography.

Also, few years later another step make up the history of digital photography when Samson Steven of Kodak Company was been instructed by his project supervisor to find a way of building a camera using image sensors that would be in the solid state. These solid-state image sensors are photosensitive chips which were made of diodes known as the photosites to record light receive from the sun.

This is a fact to really back up that Sasson work on developing a camera that uses no film is a part of the history of digital photography. According to him, in the year 1975 when he first snapped the first digital picture, the image took him almost 24 seconds to get recorded onto the cassette, and another 24 seconds to read a playback unit unto a television set.

Meanwhile, after his project work no any camera was released yet by the Kodak Company until in the year 1986, when they invented the world's first mefapixel sensor, which is capable of recording almost 1.4 million worth of pixels that was capable of producing a "5x7 Inch" size of digital photo quality print and there was a bit progress in the history of the digital photgraphy.

Furthermore, the introduction and the releast of the first prototype digital camera called the Mavica (i.e Magnetic Video Camera) by Sony Corporation in the 1980's really marks the histoty of digital photography. Mavica is a camera that is an electronic video camera that is capable of producing still images that were recorded on a "two inch" floppy diskette.

The Mavica camera uses a charge-coupled device (CCD), whose origin could be traced back to the October era in the year 1969. This was when Willard Boyle and Georger Smith, two among the real role-players in the history of digital photography invented the CCD (charge-coupled device) at Bell Laboratory, where they were at the time while attempting to creat a new kind of smei-conductors memory for computers.

In the year 1994, the Apple introduced the first digital camera for consumers after the introduction and the invention of the Mavica. This created another remarkable success in the history of digital photography.

The QuickTake 100 (this camera was co-developed with Kodak) worked with a home computer via a serial cable and featured a 640 x 480 pixel CCD. It could produce eight images stored in internal memory, and also featured a built-in flash.

The QuickTake 100 looked more like a set of binoculars, because of constraints around the size of the processor used in it production but this changed soon. As the history of digital photography will progress, a mordern digital cameras soon look like the familiar shapr of the film cameras.

All these technologies were developed and came up with within or a bit more than thirty years interval. And one cant really imagine the type of progress and development ,the subsequent few decades would have to bring in the history of digital photography.

Are you New to Photography? Are you a Newbie to Digital Photography, and would like to learn how to turn yourself into a skillful and expert in using the digital camera for great digital photographs? Or are you a PRO who would like to learn NEW things about digital photography? Would you like to learn how to use your traditional film camera lens on your digital camera? Learn how to become a MASTER in taking wedding photographs?Learn How you can set up a studio for portraits for cheaper than you think? Become an EXPERT in choosing the right and best CAMERA for your work! And become a PRO in digital photography within days!

Click Here To Learn More!

Beautiful Capturing Digital Memory Photography Wedding

So many time I have seen on various questions on beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding at varying number of photography forums asked by beginners in digital wedding photographers asking me for advise on how to become successful in the wedding field. But what really matter most and cant be left out about this is knowing what has motivated so many of them to have planned going into being a wedding photographer with the aim of having or coming out with a beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding. So many people have are been motivated by the fact that they heard from some friends that easy money lies in beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding, or that they had a good and perfectly alright digital camera that takes great photos or that they would like to make some money from taking beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding etc.

Although, it is true that beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding in the area of digital wedding photography can be a very profitable and successful business achieving success in the wedding industry is not just a matter of getting a cool camera and start shooting, the scope and tricks behind it is far complex from that. Wedding photography involves having some artistic talent, a bit of human sense, complete mastery of digital photographic techniques in beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding, business knowledge, and a strong desire to learn and deliver the best to the wedding couple with beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding ideas.................

It is therefor of paramount importance that you got a previous training or exposure that would help to broaden ones IQ in having a beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding, and as a result I have gather together some facts that you need to know that would serve as a guide for whoever that is interesting in beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding with a digital camera in the digital photography venture........

In taking beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding you need to learn and get yourself acquainted with digital photography before you can think of anything else. A wedding photographer who will be so much concern and in taste of beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding is expected to be a master of the craft and venture. You will be in charge of capturing people's most precious life moments which would be always serve as a memory to them every time, even thoughout their life time on the planet. The wedding day is not the place where you would say you want to start to learn how good you will be in getting beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding out of your digital camera in the digital photography arena/industry.

Getting beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding out of your digital camera from taking some snapshot at couple's wedding dont just depend on you having a brand new digital camera it does not automatically make you an effective and reliable wedding digital photographer. Digital photography goes beyond cool toys and gadgets in other words you cant dare palying with it. You need to learn how to compose and develop a unique artistic vision. Some of the great beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding of all time were taken with digital manual cameras.

If you must have beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding then you must learn to love digital photography more than any other things else. Don't come to the wedding digital photography with the aim of having a beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding field with just the dream of you making money. It is true that there are many successful digital wedding photographers that make a lot of money with beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding. However, according to the Professional Photographers of America Association the average digital photographer in America makes about $24,000 a year.

Another hint you need about beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding is that you have to focus on delivering quality beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding more than quantity. Seek with all your heart to capture unique and beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding.

Another thing is to develop a style that is recognizable and unique this would ensure that you had beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding. Don't try to be like somebody else. Clients look for unique digital photographers, with a unique vision.

Giving digital wedding photography all your heart and effort in having beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding. Because when you are gone your beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding photographs will last forever. It is a great way to be remembered of by your clients, and this would also make them look for you again for more beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding and they would even go forward to the extent of telling their friends and other associates about you if they need someone who can help them get beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding at their wedding ceremony.

Open your heart and your mind and great beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding photos will happen. Concentrate on the human aspect of weddings, the details, and emotions and be ready to capture them with a digital camera that could fetch you much money from your beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding. Let your digital camera become an extension of you.

Don't neglect the business aspect of wedding photography with the aim of getting beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding. Learn to manage your business effectively. Take business courses and seminars organized by some other experts you knew of or have heard about.

It is also imperative and advisable that you learn and always be ready to share your technical knowledge and make connections with other digital wedding photographers, this would enhance your chance of getting a beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding .

Participate in digital wedding photography image competitions. It will give you the opportunity to have your beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding work evaluated by peers and the motivation to improve your work quality in getting beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding off your digital camera.

Master the digital workflow, including color management, digital image processing, file management and image correction and enhancement, all these will help to increase your skills and knowledge in getting beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding.

Learn something new everyday as far as getting beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding is concerned. Take advantage of professional photography organizations such as Professional Photographers of America (PPA), WPPI, etc. Attend their seminars, workshops on beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding.

And lastly, it is so much advisable that you participate in Internet forums on digital wedding photography, learn and share tips, tools and techniques with other members this would help you to gain more knowledge and skills on beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding.

Learn the Secrets of taking "Beautiful Capturing Digital Memory Photography Wedding" within few days, without going through so much stress, and within a couple of days you will definitely become a professional in using digital camera for great photos! Learn how to take good and great photos in a low nigh light with your digital camera with all the SECRETS REVEALED! at a siting, not sting!

Learn How To Take A Digital Image In A Professional Way! And your work look great and always speaking to your clients and potential customers.......Let your digital camera work for you and make you become a professional photographer in days with you learning all the SECRETS just within few hours over and over again.......Would You Like To Discover How To Become A Gem In Taking Beautiful Capturing Digital Memory Photography Wedding? Click Here To Learn More.......................

Digital Photography Wedding

So many time I have seen on various questions on digital photography wedding at countless number of photography forums asked by beginners in digital wedding photographers asking me for advise on how to become successful in the wedding field. But what really matter most and cant be left out about this is knowing what has motivated so many of them to have planned going into being a wedding photographer with the aim of having or coming out with a good digital photography wedding. So many people have are been motivated by the fact that they heard from some friends that easy money lies in digital photography wedding , or that they had a good and perfectly alright digital camera that takes great photos or that they would like to make some money from digital photography wedding , etc.

Although, it is true that digital photography wedding can be a very profitable and successful business venture achieving success in the wedding industry is not just a matter of getting a cool camera and start shooting, the scope and tricks behind it is far complex from that, digital photography wedding involves having some artistic talent, a bit of human sense, complete mastery of digital photographic techniques digital photography wedding , business knowledge, and a strong desire to learn and deliver the best to the wedding couple with good snapshots in digital photography wedding adventure..............

It is therefor of paramount importance that you got a previous training or exposure that would help to broaden ones IQ in having a digital photography wedding , and as a result I have gather together some facts that you need to know that would serve as a guide for whoever that is interesting in having a good snapshots with a digital camera in the digital photography wedding , please read on........

In digital photography wedding taking beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding you need to learn and get yourself acquainted with digital photography wedding before you can think of anything else. A digital photography wedding photographer who will be so much concern and in taste of having a good and beautiful captures it is expected to be a master of the craft and the digital photography wedding venture. Since you will be in charge of capturing people's most precious life moments which would be always serve as a memory to them every time, even thoughout their life time on the planet. The wedding day is not the place where you would say you want to start to learn how good you will be in getting a good digital photography wedding out of your digital camera in the digital photography wedding arena/industry.

Getting beautiful snapshots out of your digital camera from taking some snapshot at couple's wedding dont just depend on you having a brand new digital camera as far as the digital photography wedding is concerned does not automatically make you an effective and reliable wedding digital photographer. Digital photography wedding goes beyond cool toys and gadgets in other words you cant dare playing with it. You need to learn how to compose and develop a unique artistic vision. Some of the great pictures of all time in digital photography wedding were taken with digital manual cameras.

If you must have a beautiful captures in your digital photography wedding career then you must learn to love digital photography wedding more than any other things else. Don't come to the digital wedding photography with the aim of having a beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding field with just the dream of you making money. It is true that there are many successful digital wedding photographers that make a lot of money with digital wedding photography. However, according to the Professional Photographers of America Association the average digital photographer in America makes about $24,000 a year.

Another hint you need about beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding is that you have to focus on delivering quality beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding more than quantity. Seek with all your heart to capture unique and beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding.

Another thing is to develop a style that is recognizable and unique this would ensure that you had beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding. Don't try to be like somebody else. Clients look for unique digital photographers, with a unique vision.

Giving digital photography wedding all your heart and effort in having beautiful capturesdigital memory photography wedding. Because when you are gone your beautiful captured digital photography wedding image will last forever. It is a great way to be remembered of by your clients, and this would also make them look for you again for more beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding and they would even go forward to the extent of telling their friends and other associates about your digital wedding photography skills if they need someone who can help them get beautiful captures of digital photography wedding at their wedding ceremony.

Open your heart and your mind and great beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding photos will happen. Concentrate on the human aspect of weddings, the details, and emotions and be ready to capture them with a digital camera that could fetch you much money from digital photography wedding. Let your digital camera become an extension of you.

Don't neglect the business aspect of digital wedding photography with the aim of getting beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding. Learn to manage your business effectively. Take business courses and seminars organized by some other experts you knew of or have heard about.

It is also imperative and advisable that you learn and always be ready to share your technical knowledge and make connections with other digital wedding photographers, this would enhance your chance of getting a beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding if you must be an expert in taking digital photography wedding.

Participate in digital wedding photography image competitions. It will give you the opportunity to have your beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding work evaluated by peers and the motivation to improve your work quality in getting beautiful digital photography wedding off your digital camera.

Master the digital workflow, including color management, digital image processing, file management and image correction and enhancement, all these will help to increase your skills and knowledge in getting good digital wedding photography.

Learn something new everyday as far as digital photography wedding is concerned. Take advantage of professional photography organizations such as Professional Photographers of America (PPA), WPPI, etc. Attend their seminars, workshops on digital wedding photography.

And lastly, it is so much advisable that you participate in Internet forums on digital photography wedding, learn and share tips, tools and techniques with other members this would help you to gain more knowledge and skills on beautiful capturing digital memory photography wedding.

"Finally! There's a Fast, Easy, Affordable Way To Access Professional Picture-Taking Secrets And Capture The Best Digital Images Of Your Life!!!"

Are you a newbie to digital photography? And would like to learn foundational secrets for taking better photography with your digital camera?

Have your clients or has a couple ever compalined to you before that their digital wedding photos look bad after a month, 2 month of their wedding, and as a result the dont patronise you again? Or have any of your client ever complained that their wedding photos you took for them look bad andt blored that they cant show it to anyone ? And you would like to get your work improved and improve your photos too! And would like to learn the tricks in taking full-color wedding photography images so as to improve your snapshots that would skyrocketted your earnings on taking digital photography for your clients and make them come back to your within a twinkle of an eye?

Or are you a professional digital photographer who would like to know the various alternative ways to shoot an object to make much more interesting photos and make that would skyrocketted your sales and further broaden your skills in taking a good and better wedding photos?

Do your clients complain so many time that your job sucks because you used a bad shooting location on their wedding ceremony day? And would like to know better and best fantastic shooting locations good most for your work? Am sure you will really be happy to have your customers back and get couples calling you for their wedding photographs!

Would you like to be the person people go to whenever they want to take stunning shots they want to keep forever? At their weddings? On their vacation? At Night or In Low Light? Sport Events? At stunning Sunsets? I'm sure you would love to Be The "Go-To" Digital Photographer Wherever You Go!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Nude digital photography - Featured PRFirmPRWeb - Will Overshadow Apple s iPod and

Nude digital photography - Featured PRFirmPRWeb - Will Overshadow Apple s iPod and

Featured PRFirm
PRWeb - Will Overshadow Apple s iPod and nude digital photography Nano, Combined," Reports Photo Industry Expert, Mitch Goldstone The buzz on Kodak s new high-speed print scanners and nude digital photography Kodak Capture Software will become the biggest news since the launch of digital photography
Source: www.prweb.com
Press Release Tips and nude digital photography Template
PRWeb - Prophet s List of 2003 Branding Hits Topped by Apple on Digital Music Front Prophet has identified a short list of NUDE PHOTOGRAPHS DELIVER THE MOST PERSONAL HOLIDAY & BRIDAL PRESENT - by Kenneth Wajda, Professional Artistic Nude Photography of
Source: www.prweb.com
Araki 'shoots back' with plucky disabled female
Japan Today - Titled Roku Nana Hangeki (67 Shooting Back), and nude digital photography described as a counterattack against digital photography, the book features 26-year-old model Kazaho Moriyama in a variety of nude poses. What makes it somewhat exceptional, reports Sankei
Source: www.japantoday.com
Wild Card/Vacation Day 11 of 12
Spokane Spokesman-Review - Only two more shopping days until I return to the final days of the City Council campaigns. Then, we'll have fun taking apart the campaigns. Any dirt yet? Any mudslinging. You know, the good stuff. Or is everyone behaving? My wife is now looking over
Source: www.spokesmanreview.com
Transcript: Annie Leibovitz on Her Work
MSNBC - You know these pictures, from Whoopi Goldberg in the milk bath, to a nude and nude digital photography Do you shoot with film, or have you joined the digital revolution? Annie Leibovitz How do you approach photography as a woman artist? Do you see any discrepancies between
Source: www.msnbc.msn.com
A view of the Westons' Carmel
Chicago Tribune - this rugged coastline is also a key territory in the history of American photography. Wielding my little digital camera, I would go out and nude digital photography get sandy at Carmel River ve probably seen some of Brett Weston's seascapes from Monterey Bay or a nude
Source: www.chicagotribune.com
An accidental artist draws clarity from blurred vision
Lebanon Daily Star - the streets of Beirut, technology has given Lahoud a way to incorporate photography Nude buttocks and nude digital photography cleavage shots seem to drift into the panels randomly and nude digital photography lack its increasing reliance on new technology as the popular shift from film to digital
Source: www.dailystar.com.lb
Press Release Tips and nude digital photography Template
PRWeb - Easy Plant Maintenance 1.3, a powerful multimedia solution that helps maintenance managers use the power of digital Professional Artistic Nude Photography of Colorado Announces the "New Bride Package" for a Unique Wedding Gift. A "Bride-to-be to
Source: www.prweb.com

Are you a newbie or a beginner? Or are you a folk or a pro in digital photography industry who will like to become a digital NUDE photography? Maybe your work has always been suck when it comes to taking Digital Nude Photography? And you would like to become a pro and expert in the field? Then you are in the right place! You can become an expert and pro in taking NUDE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY within A Day At A Sitting RIGHT NOW! Click Here To DIscover More!

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Nude Digital Photography

Digital Dante Project - ILTEffort of the Institute

Digital Dante Project - ILT
Effort of the Institute for Learning Technologies at Columbia University to prototype and nude digital photography develop an online Dante-related academic resource.
Source: dante.ilt.columbia.edu
Digital Podcast - The best podcast directory of free podcasts and nude digital photography ...
Podcast directory and nude digital photography video podcast directory. Digital Podcast is the place to find the best podcasts.
Source: www.digitalpodcast.com
Digital Chocolate: Welcome to Digital Chocolate
Digital Mars C, C++ and nude digital photography D Compilers for Win32, Win16, DOS32 and nude digital photography DOS.
Source: www.digitalchocolate.com

Startup and Growing Photography Studios (Nude digital photography) Should Focus On

Startup and Growing Photography Studios (Nude digital photography) Should Focus On

Startup and nude digital photography Growing Photography Studios Should Focus On Three Key ... - Fast Pitch! (press release)
Startup and nude digital photography Growing Photography Studios Should Focus On Three Key ...Fast Pitch! (press release) - 14 hours agoStarting a photography studio and nude digital photography having it become a successful business requires focus and nude digital photography skill. One online marketing strategist and nude digital photography successful business ...
Source: news.google.com
The joys of kite photography - Ars Technica
The joys of kite photographyArs Technica, MA - 2 hours agoRandall Munroe keeps up the geeky cool, and nude digital photography he has also just shared another love of his: kite photography. Since we're fans of strapping cameras to things ...
Source: news.google.com
Getmapping offers local authorities way of sharing aerial ... - GISuser.com (press release)
Getmapping offers local authorities way of sharing aerial ...GISuser.com (press release), MD - 5 hours agoAlso, residents will be able to use the aerial photography to report issues of concern, for example, fly-tipping and nude digital photography abandoned cars. ...
Source: news.google.com
Anton Sheker - Manila Bulletin
Anton ShekerManila Bulletin, Philippines - 1 hour agoHe is a top guy for some online photography projects, likewise the president of a prestigious camera club, and nude digital photography currently working on a photo book project ...Online Photographers Goes Live Today and nude digital photography Showcases the Best in ... PR.com (press release)all 2 news articles
Source: news.google.com
Scuba divers photography meetup group - LetsGoDigital
LetsGoDigitalScuba divers photography meetup groupLetsGoDigital, Netherlands - 7 hours ago"Even with the new technology, underwater photography is very difficult to perfect. Most digital cameras offer too many options, which complicates things ...
Source: news.google.com

Startup and Growing Photography Studios (Nude digital photography) Should Focus On

Startup and Growing Photography Studios (Nude digital photography) Should Focus On

Startup and nude digital photography Growing Photography Studios Should Focus On Three Key ... - Fast Pitch! (press release)
Startup and nude digital photography Growing Photography Studios Should Focus On Three Key ...Fast Pitch! (press release) - 14 hours agoStarting a photography studio and nude digital photography having it become a successful business requires focus and nude digital photography skill. One online marketing strategist and nude digital photography successful business ...
Source: news.google.com
The joys of kite photography - Ars Technica
The joys of kite photographyArs Technica, MA - 2 hours agoRandall Munroe keeps up the geeky cool, and nude digital photography he has also just shared another love of his: kite photography. Since we're fans of strapping cameras to things ...
Source: news.google.com
Getmapping offers local authorities way of sharing aerial ... - GISuser.com (press release)
Getmapping offers local authorities way of sharing aerial ...GISuser.com (press release), MD - 5 hours agoAlso, residents will be able to use the aerial photography to report issues of concern, for example, fly-tipping and nude digital photography abandoned cars. ...
Source: news.google.com
Anton Sheker - Manila Bulletin
Anton ShekerManila Bulletin, Philippines - 1 hour agoHe is a top guy for some online photography projects, likewise the president of a prestigious camera club, and nude digital photography currently working on a photo book project ...Online Photographers Goes Live Today and nude digital photography Showcases the Best in ... PR.com (press release)all 2 news articles
Source: news.google.com
Scuba divers photography meetup group - LetsGoDigital
LetsGoDigitalScuba divers photography meetup groupLetsGoDigital, Netherlands - 7 hours ago"Even with the new technology, underwater photography is very difficult to perfect. Most digital cameras offer too many options, which complicates things ...
Source: news.google.com

Photography by the Manufacturer - TruckTrend (Nude digital photography) MagazineTruckTrend MagazinePhotography

Photography by the Manufacturer - TruckTrend (Nude digital photography) MagazineTruckTrend MagazinePhotography

Photography by the Manufacturer - TruckTrend Magazine
TruckTrend MagazinePhotography by the ManufacturerTruckTrend Magazine - 3 days ago Dodge's previous generation of full-size trucks was a massive departure from its predecessors, which labored for 22 years with function-over-form upright ...
Source: news.google.com
And away we go! - Indianapolis Star
And away we go!Indianapolis Star, United States - 10 hours agoAmi Gallery and nude digital photography Photography Studios will open its exhibit, "Walks with Nature," on Tuesday. It runs through Aug. 3 and nude digital photography includes nature photographs by Jim ...
Source: news.google.com

Panoramic photography

Panoramic photography

Use you HP digital camera to bring multiple photos together into one breathtaking image.


A panorama is a photo that is much wider (or taller) than a normal photograph. Whether you want to capture mountain vistas, lofty monuments, or a picture of the whole family, HP cameras make it easy to take breathtaking panoramic photos. Add an HP photo printer and HP panorama-sized photo paper to the mix, and you’ll have professional-looking panoramic prints in minutes.

Benefits of panoramic photography

a family photo shown as panoramic

Remember cutting half of your family from the last reunion photo because they just didn’t fit into the frame? Or maybe you have been forced to decide between the mountains on the right and the sunset on the left because including both wasn’t an option.

Here are some photo opportunities that are ideal for panoramas:

  • Nature and landscapes: from mountain ranges to redwood trees
  • Cityscapes and architecture: from city skylines to skyscrapers
  • Group portraits and events: from stadium sports and festivals to reunions and weddings. (Pair your HP camera with a portable HP photo printer, and you can print your pictures on the spot!)

Find more inspiration for taking panoramic pictures. Learn about travel photography and outdoor photography.

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How it works

three photos laid together to simulate a panoramic photograph Panoramic photography works by stitching a series of regular-size images together. If you've already taken some pictures that you'd like to make into a panorama, you can do it with image-editing software such as HP Photosmart Premier.

But HP digital cameras offer an easier solution: in-camera panorama preview and stitching.

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In-camera panorama stitching and preview

images stitched together to form one seamless photo Several new HP digital cameras are the first to offer in-camera panorama stitching-a feature that fuses up to five single shots together to create one seamless image-right in your camera. You don't need software to stitch your image together. You just connect your camera or memory card directly to a printer-no PC needed!

The following HP cameras have this revolutionary feature: HP Photosmart R725, R727, R827, R837, R927 and the R967 digital cameras.

Take a tour to see how in-camera panorama stitching and preview works.

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Tips for taking panoramas

It’s easy to capture panoramas with your HP camera. The in-camera guide leads you through the process of fusing individual photos onto one. Transparent photo overlays ensure that the pictures line up perfectly.

Here are some general tips to help you get the best results possible:

  • Make sure your camera is as level as possible.
  • Stand in the same position for all the shots you take.

Overlap your images by 30-50% horizontally. (The HP camera will guide you through this process.)

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Printing panoramic photos

a panoramic photo being printed from an HP printer Panoramas are impressive images—even when viewed on your camera's LCD screen. But panoramic prints are even more impressive. The format is wonderful for displaying and sharing.

HP offers many printers with panorama capability.

  • Portable photo printers print in a variety of sizes such as 4" x 6", 5" x 7", and 4" x 12" panoramas.

See all HP portable printers.

  • HP Photosmart all-in-ones not only produce high-quality photos at home, but they can also copy and scan documents. Some models also feature faxing capabilities.

See all HP Photosmart all-in-ones.

  • HP photo printers are easy to use, and they produce lab-quality prints at home-fast. They feature large LCD displays for previewing your pictures and memory card slots for PC-free printing.

See all HP Photosmart printers.

Learn more about the features of HP photo printers and compare models.